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iGaming affiliates
Trevor HatfieldAug 16, 2024 7:00:00 AM11 min read

4 Best iGaming Partners and Affiliates

Choosing the right affiliate partner for iGaming isn't just a box to tick off – it's a strategic decision that can make or break your online gambling venture. In this fiercely competitive digital arena, your affiliates are more than just traffic sources; they're extensions of your brand, your first line of marketing, and often the initial touchpoint for potential players. The right partner can propel your platform to new heights, while the wrong one might leave you struggling to gain traction or, worse, dealing with reputation damage.

In this blog, we'll look at why the right affiliate or partner is important for your iGaming business, how to choose the one that fits you the best, and the 4 best partners that we can recommend.

Importance of Choosing the Right Affiliate Partner for iGaming

The iGaming industry is competitive and ever-changing. Having the right affiliate partner can make a significant difference in your growth and profitability. Let's explore why this decision matters so much and what you should consider:

Targeted Traffic

The right affiliate partner brings you targeted traffic. This means people who are already interested in online gambling are more likely to become paying customers. Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for the best, you're focusing on potential players who are ready to engage.

For example, an affiliate specializing in poker content will attract poker enthusiasts. These visitors are more likely to sign up and play on your poker platform compared to general internet users.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Affiliate marketing in iGaming often works on a revenue-share model. This means you only pay when the affiliate brings in actual paying customers. It's a performance-based system that aligns the affiliate's interests with yours.

This approach can be more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods where you pay upfront without guaranteed results. With the right affiliate partner, your marketing budget goes directly toward acquiring real players.

Brand Reputation

Your choice of affiliate partner reflects on your brand. Reputable affiliates who provide honest reviews and accurate information help build trust with potential players. This trust translates into a positive brand image for your iGaming platform.

On the flip side, affiliates who use misleading tactics or promote irresponsible gambling can damage your reputation. Choosing wisely helps protect and enhance your brand's standing in the industry.

Compliance and Regulation

The iGaming industry is heavily regulated in many jurisdictions. The right affiliate partner understands these regulations and helps ensure your marketing efforts stay compliant. This includes following rules about advertising to minors, promoting responsible gambling, and adhering to local laws.

Working with knowledgeable affiliates reduces your risk of regulatory issues and potential fines. It also demonstrates your commitment to operating ethically in the iGaming space.

Innovation and Trends

Good affiliate partners stay on top of industry trends and innovations. They can provide valuable insights into what players are looking for and how the market is evolving. This information helps you adapt your offerings and stay competitive.

For instance, an affiliate might notice a rising interest in live dealer games or cryptocurrency payments. This insight allows you to adjust your platform to meet changing player preferences.

Long-Term Relationships

Choosing the right affiliate partner sets the foundation for a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship. As your affiliate grows its audience, your player base grows too. This ongoing partnership can lead to steady, sustainable growth for your iGaming business.

Long-term relationships also allow for better communication and understanding between you and your affiliate. This can lead to more effective campaigns and promotions tailored to your specific needs.

Data and Analytics

Quality affiliate partners provide detailed data and analytics about the traffic they send your way. This information is valuable for understanding your player acquisition funnel and optimizing your conversion rates.

With the right partner, you can gain insights into:

  • Which games or betting options are most popular
  • What promotions are most effective
  • When players are most likely to sign up or make deposits

This data helps you make informed decisions about your iGaming platform and marketing strategies.

Diverse Player Base

Different affiliates often cater to different segments of the iGaming market. By choosing a mix of the right partners, you can build a diverse player base. This diversity can help stabilize your revenue and reduce dependence on any single market segment.

For example, you might work with affiliates who specialize in:

  • Sports betting
  • Online casino games
  • Poker
  • Esports betting

Each of these brings in a different type of player, creating a well-rounded customer base for your platform.


The right affiliate partners can help your iGaming business scale efficiently. As you expand into new markets or launch new products, established affiliates can quickly drive relevant traffic your way. This scalability is especially valuable in the fast-paced iGaming industry where timing can be crucial.

Competitive Edge

In the crowded iGaming market, having strong affiliate partnerships can give you a competitive edge. The right affiliates can help you stand out by highlighting your unique selling points and reaching players who might otherwise choose your competitors.

To sum up, choosing the right affiliate partner for iGaming is about more than just driving traffic. It's about finding partners who align with your values, understand the industry, and can help you build a sustainable, reputable, and profitable online gambling business. Take the time to research and select your affiliates carefully – it's an investment that can pay off significantly in the long run.

How Do You Choose the Right Affiliate Partner?


Let's dive into the nitty-gritty of how to select an affiliate partner that will be your ace in the hole.

Track Record and Performance Metrics

Don't just take an affiliate's word for it - dive into their actual performance data. Request detailed information on their conversion rates, player retention statistics, and average revenue per user (ARPU) for similar iGaming products. Compare these metrics across multiple potential partners. Look for affiliates who consistently deliver high-quality traffic that converts into long-term, valuable players. Be wary of those who can't provide concrete data or whose numbers seem too good to be true. Remember, in iGaming, quality often trumps quantity when it comes to player acquisition.

Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

In the heavily regulated iGaming industry, partnering with non-compliant affiliates can lead to severe consequences. Thoroughly vet potential partners for their understanding and adherence to gambling regulations in your target markets.

Check if they have the necessary licenses and certifications. Review their marketing materials and methods to ensure they align with responsible gambling principles and advertising standards. Don't shy away from asking tough questions about how they handle age verification, geo-targeting, and exclusion lists. A partner who takes compliance seriously can save you from potential legal headaches down the line.

Traffic Sources and Target Audience Alignment

Understand where and how your potential affiliate partners generate their traffic. Do they rely on SEO, paid advertising, social media, or a mix of strategies? Ensure their primary traffic sources align with your target audience.

For instance, if you're focusing on millennials interested in sports betting, an affiliate with a strong presence on sports-focused forums and social media platforms would be ideal. Also, consider the geographic distribution of their traffic - it should match your licensed operating regions. Don't hesitate to ask for a breakdown of their traffic by source, demographics, and location.

Technical Integration and Reporting Capabilities

The technical aspect of affiliate partnerships is often overlooked but crucial for smooth operations. Evaluate the affiliate's tracking system and its compatibility with your platform. Can they provide real-time reporting? How granular is their data?

Look for partners who offer easy integration, accurate tracking, and comprehensive reporting dashboards. This will allow you to monitor performance effectively and make data-driven decisions. Also, consider their fraud detection capabilities - in iGaming, protecting against bonus abuse and other fraudulent activities is essential for maintaining profitability.

Content Quality and Brand Alignment

In iGaming, trust is paramount. Your affiliate partners are often the first point of contact for potential players, so their content quality directly reflects on your brand. Thoroughly review their websites, social media presence, and marketing materials.

Look for well-written, informative content that demonstrates expertise in iGaming. Assess if their tone and style align with your brand values. Be cautious of affiliates who use aggressive or misleading tactics to drive sign-ups. Remember, in the long run, affiliates who prioritize player education and responsible gambling are more likely to bring you valuable, long-term customers.

Flexibility and Innovation in Campaigns

The iGaming market is dynamic, with player preferences and regulations constantly evolving. Look for affiliate partners who demonstrate flexibility and a willingness to innovate. Can they quickly adapt to new game releases or betting options? Do they show creativity in their promotional strategies? Assess their ability to create custom campaigns tailored to your specific needs.

Partners who are proactive in suggesting new ideas and open to experimentation can help you stay ahead in the competitive iGaming landscape. Also, consider their ability to scale - as your business grows, you'll want partners who can grow with you.


BetConstruct is a leading betting and gambling software provider that offers a comprehensive suite of iGaming solutions. Their unique selling proposition (USP) centers around providing access to business development expert advice and interactive product demonstrations through their innovative BCVerse platform.

BetConstruct's BCVerse is a virtual environment that allows potential partners to immerse themselves in the company's offerings 24/7. This feature enables users to consult with business development experts and experience interactive product demonstrations, giving them a hands-on feel for BetConstruct's solutions before committing to a partnership.

The company offers a wide range of products, including turnkey iGaming solutions, crypto iGaming options, and API integration capabilities. BetConstruct's platform supports over 50 products, 15+ licenses, and 500+ payment methods, making it a versatile choice for operators looking to enter or expand in the iGaming market. BetConstruct also has integrated Fasttoken (FTN) as its primary currency, allowing for seamless transactions and exclusive promotions within its ecosystem.


Solitics is a real-time engagement and gamification platform that specializes in providing customized CRM solutions for the iGaming industry. Their USP revolves around keeping sales and marketing efforts running smoothly to achieve higher retention rates.

The platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance user experiences through real-time personalization. Solitics facilitates the automation of customized user experiences for marketers and product managers, allowing them to target users based on actions, improve experiences with dynamic gamification, and access data instantly.

Solitics' solution is particularly well-suited for the iGaming sector, including casino and sports betting operators. The platform enables these businesses to engage players in real-time, synchronizing all activity data, bonusing, and multiple communication channels. This real-time capability allows marketers to tailor offers based on gaming preferences and user experience, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and improved player retention.

The platform also offers powerful analytics tools, allowing operators to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data. With Solitics, iGaming companies can streamline their operations, create exceptional player experiences, and foster loyalty, all of which contribute to solid lifetime value (LTV) for your customers.


Hawx is a prominent iGaming service provider that excels in creating smarter user journeys, aiming to enhance the overall player experience. Their unique selling proposition (USP) revolves around optimizing the user journey through advanced CRM solutions, website management, sportsbook risk management, and fraud management.

Hawx offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the needs of online casinos and sports betting operators. These services include:

  • CRM Solutions: Hawx provides robust customer relationship management tools that help operators manage interactions with players more effectively, leading to improved retention and engagement.
  • Website Management: The company assists in the design, development, and maintenance of iGaming websites, ensuring they are user-friendly and optimized for performance.
  • Sportsbook Risk Management: Hawx offers risk management services to help operators manage their sportsbook offerings, ensuring a balanced and profitable operation.

By focusing on these key areas, Hawx aims to create smarter user journeys that not only attract new players but also retain existing ones, ultimately driving higher engagement and profitability for their clients.



SendX is a powerful email marketing software. One of its standout features is that it does not ban gambling, casino, or iGaming companies, making it a reliable choice for businesses operating in these high-risk areas. This is a significant advantage, as many email marketing platforms have stringent policies that prohibit or restrict accounts associated with gambling.

SendX is designed to handle high volumes of emails without compromising deliverability. This capability is crucial for iGaming companies that need to send large-scale campaigns to engage their audience effectively. The platform employs advanced features like 1-click resend to non-openers, geo-send optimization, and smart send optimization based on past user behavior. These tools help maximize open rates and conversions, ensuring that your marketing efforts are both efficient and effective.

Another key benefit of SendX is its affordability and comprehensive support. SendX does not impose hefty charges, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking for premium service without breaking the bank. The platform provides free migration services for high-volume senders, dedicated IPs, and deliverability consulting, ensuring a seamless transition and ongoing support for your email marketing needs.

Get a 14-day free trial here if you want reliable email marketing software for your iGaming business.

Make Your Email Marketing Profitable


Trevor Hatfield

Managing Partner at SendWorks