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Email signature best practices
Lidia S. HovhanMar 23, 2022 9:53:00 AM7 min read

Email Signature Best Practices for Remote Working

Remote work has grown exponentially over the past few years. A recent study data shows a 59% increase in remote work from 2020 to 2023. This growth can be attributed to advancements in technology, improvement in internet connectivity, and availability of various communication services. Today, at least 50% of millennials prefer working as freelancers to enjoy the perks of working remotely and on their own terms.

The rise of remote working has changed how people conduct business, especially when it comes to communication.

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Remote Working Communication

Electronic communication options such as messaging, chat, and conferencing have become increasingly popular as reliable ways of correspondence in the corporate world. Email continues to be one of the most preferred and popular electronic communication methods by most companies for reaching external contacts. 

From remote contractors to remote corporate executives, emails make it possible for people in business to reach their clients. Besides perhaps getting a great wfh list of items, an email signature is one of the most important elements of a professional image.

Every remote worker needs a strong remote working signature to maintain a consistent format and formality when communicating with clients. With an ideal email signature, remote workers are able to promote a remote worker’s professional image through their communication confidently.

With a well-designed email signature, a remote worker can give the recipient further insight about their company, which helps build trust. This is particularly important if you have never met your correspondent, which is common in remote work.

What Is An Email Signature?

An email signature is a customized information block consisting of text, link, or graphic with the writer’s contact details, usually embedded at the bottom of an email. The signature is prepared in advance and automatically embedded at the bottom of new emails. Apart from providing the sender’s professional information, an email signature can also be used for advertising purposes, tracking recipient activity, and gathering feedback.

Here is everything you need to know about creating the best email signature for your remote company.

Benefits Of Having An Email Signature

There are many benefits associated with having an email signature. Here are some of the best benefits you can enjoy from creating the best email signatures for remote work.

A show of professionalism

Professionalism refers to how an individual or business presents itself to its customers and business associates. Experts say that professionalism plays an integral role in the overall business success and goes further than wearing suits and being a good leader. Professionalism should also be portrayed in business communication.

An email signature is one of the most effective ways of showing professionalism in your business correspondence. By including company details in your email signature, you tell the recipient that you represent an entity and not just yourself.

Creating brand awareness

For any business, the goal is to create a brand that is well recognized in its niche, and this can only be achieved through creating brand awareness. Having a professional email signature is one of the most effective ways of creating awareness for a brand. Using this signature, companies can introduce their brand to different audiences with every email sent out, effectively achieved by inserting the company logo into the signature design

It makes email marketing more effective

Even with the emergence of popular marketing channels like videos and social media, almost all businesses still use email marketing to market their business to their clients responsibly. Including a link to a business marketing campaign in your email signature is ideal for promoting your business while communicating with your clients.

Including a marketing campaign link in your email signature will ensure your email recipients access the latest about your business.

Boosting social media following

Social media marketing has become one of the most effective ways to market a business. Research by HubSpot shows that social media can boost brand awareness by more than 80%. Email signatures give you the option to include your social media links in the signature, giving your clients an alternative way of reaching your business and learning more about your brand.

Keep your target market engaged

The client drives sales and boosts profits for business continuity in every business. For this to happen, the company must find ways to engage the client. An email signature is an excellent marketing tool that can be used to engage clients while delivering valuable information at every stage of their journey.

You can offer your clients value by including free webinars, offers, promo codes, and upcoming events through your email signature.

Must-Have Elements Of Every Email Signature

First and last name – Every email signature must include the sender’s full name.

Job title – Your email signature should also come with a functional title. If you do not have a formal title, you can develop one that describes the kind of work you do, like freelance photographer, copywriter, financial consultant, etc.

Company name – Do not hesitate to include the company name in your email signature. You can also link it to your online site or social media.

Phone number – A phone number is a standard element for any email signature. Even if you rarely communicate via phone, it is important to include it as an alternative way of reaching you.

The decision of whether or not to include your home phone number in your email signature is up to you. However, it is important to consider the reasons why you might want to include it.

Email address – Even though your email address is in the sender space above your email, it is important to repeat it in the signature. This makes it easier for a contact to cut and send when referring to your services.

Online professional website and portfolio address – Any client considering you for a contract will likely run an internet search. Having a professionally done bio page on professional websites like LinkedIn can help you control what a potential client sees about your company.

Your social media pages – If your company has a social media presence, you can add the links to the pages in your signature. This will offer a great alternative to clients who prefer to research a business through social media.

Email Signature with credentials

Apart from the essential information needed for your email signature, you can also add your credentials to the signature. This can include professional and educational certifications. Having this information in your email signature makes you look more credible to a potential client.

Ensure you include your credentials in a way that adds value to your email signature. To do so:

  • Include the certificates on the right side of your name or underneath it.
  • Start by listing your academic certifications, followed by your professional ones.
  • Do not use periods when abbreviating, and always use commas.  
  • When listed under your name, list them by category, each on a separate line.
  • Only list the most important and relevant certifications if you have an extensive list.
  • Do not use a log as an indication for certification. 

Email signature with credentials

Email signature with logo

If you want your email signature to grab attention, you can add graphics or a logo. Graphics, headshots, and logos add interest and professionalism to the email signature while reflecting the brand.

To add a logo to your signature:

  • Use a web-friendly graphic format for faster loading time. You can convert your logo to a png or jpeg and resize it to a thumbnail.
  • Your graphics should not violate copyright. This is especially important when adding anything else other than your logo.
  • You can embed a link to your website or portfolio alongside your logo.
  • Include social media logos that link to your social pages. Make them small and only add the most common ones.
  • Test your logo email signature before using it to reach clients.

Email Signature with disclaimer

One of the most common questions remote workers ask when it comes to email signatures is whether they should include a disclaimer.

A disclaimer is simply a legal notice embedded at the end of an email as part of a signature. The most commonly used disclaimer is one on confidentiality.

This disclaimer is used to notify the recipient that this communication is confidential and only intended for them.

Some companies use disclaimers in their email signatures to assert protection from negligence. Email disclaimers are meant to cover security, confidentiality, employee liability, contracts, and a recipient’s rights to unsubscribe from an emailing service.

Reply signatures

When engaging a client through several back-and-forth emails, you do not have to include your full email signature every time you send a response. You can create a shorter reply signature with only your basic information. This includes your name, title, company, email address, and phone number.

Summing Up

A remote working email signature is an excellent opportunity to market a business or brand to an already interested audience. The only way you can make the most of an email signature is by ensuring you create the best one for your business. With this guide, you can maximize the potential of your email signature by providing more than just basic contact information.

From creating the right first professional impression to maintaining a consistent brand profile and promoting content or improving customer service, the benefits of having the best email signature for your business are endless. 

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Lidia S. Hovhan

Lidia S. Hovhan is Digital Marketing expert and SEO guru. She contributes articles about how to integrate digital marketing strategy with traditional marketing to help business owners to meet their online goals. You can find really professional insights in her writings.