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Email Campaigns

Reach your subscribers by sending unlimited email campaigns with best of breed email deliverability.

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Unlimited Email Campaigns

WYSIWYG Email Editor

Boost Opens with Smart Campaigns

Reach your email subscribers

Send Email Campaigns

Design, schedule and track email campaigns. Drive sales from your emails.

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Targeting & Personalisation

Boost Open Rates.
Focus On Conversions.

Get upto 50% more email opens and 23% more sales using SendX's 1-Click Resend to Un-openers feature. Leverage Geo Send (email send optimization based on geo location) & Smart Send (email send optimization based on past opens, click behavior) to get better open rates. Use them to drive more conversions.

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No need to know coding to design emails

Design with Drag & Drop Email Editor

‍Design emails without HTML. SendX drag and drop editor is meant for marketers to design professional looking with ease.

  • Pre-built email templates
  • Personalization
  • Count down timer, images, buttons
    and more...
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Email Campaign Features

drag and drop Drag & Drop Editor

SendX has no fluff plain text editor. However you can use our drag & drop editor to create beautiful newsletters.

1-click-resend 1-Click Resend To Unopeners

Increase your open rates by upto 50% by resending your email broadcasts to non-openers with a different email subject line.

5b71e9ec86ea53a8babef4c3_auto-resend-1 Geo & Smart Send

Send Geo optimized email campaigns. No more fiddling around with the campaign timezone. SendX is smart enough to know your what is the best time to send your email campaigns.

5b29398a4086e462ced930e8_Group 152 Click Heatmap For Email Campaigns

See click Heatmap report for your different types of campaigns. This gives you a quick overview of which CTAs are working and which links are people clicking visually.

5b2f7afa6bddb4a6943164e4_Icon Reporting & Analytics

Get custom reports and detailed analytics about how your emails campaigns are performing. Email open, click and reply rate are all at your fingertips.

5b71e9f13034e361ffc05402_smart-segmentation-1 Automations

Auto tag subscribers based on pop up they subscribe to or data they have filled. Send automated thank you email or drip nurture emails to educate & nurture them.



Is there any restriction on the number of email campaigns I can send per day in SendX?

No. There is no restriction on the number of email campaigns or for that matter, the total number of emails that can be sent in SendX. It is unlimited.

How can I boost my open rates and conversion rates using SendX email campaigns?

In SendX, you can get upto 50% more email opens and 23% more sales using SendX 1-Click Resend to Un-openers feature. You can also leverage Geo Send (email send optimization based on geo location) & Smart Send (email send optimization based on past opens, click behaviour) to get better open rates.

We give all the tools necessary to capture those emails once people consent to give them to you. Like what? Oh ok, let me see - popup forms, inline forms, and landing pages. Awesome, right?

Can I design emails without using HTML in SendX?

SendX drag and drop editor is meant for marketers to design professional-looking with ease, without using HTML. It offers pre-built email templates, personalization, countdown timer, images, buttons, and more.

Can I optimize emails sending based on past open behavior in SendX?

Yes. You can use the SmartSend feature for that, which is email send optimization based on past opens and click behavior, to get better open rates.

How can I measure clicks and opens for my emails sent using SendX?

You can get custom reports and detailed analytics about how your emails campaigns are performing in SendX. Email open, click and reply rate are all readily available.

All SendX Features

Trusted By 3000+ Companies Worldwide

SendX Customer
Jayarajan J.Education Technology


This has increased our revenue drastically. After testing out SendX for 1 month it was clear that this is the right system for us. We went ahead with the full implementation and did a deep integration of SendX with our in-house CRM. I would recommend anyone who has a marketing automation use case.

Software Marketer


For the cost, SendX is hard to beat. Perfect for small businesses looking for automation tools such as landing pages, leadflows, embedded forms, email marketing, drip campaigns, etc. at a fraction of the cost.

Jon B.Marketing and Advertising


Try it. Speak to the guys who run it. They are so helpful. I can create sophisticated email marketing campaigns. I'm able to plan my launches. I've been able to generate more sales because of this. The team are also superb - helping me with my requests very quickly. I'm barely scratching the surface as far as using the software to its fullest extent.

JiteshGrowth Marketing Manager


You should definitely try this. If you're looking for something that is easy to setup and does not take a lot of time to learn, you should definitely try this.



Great support. Great content and handholding. The email marketing software space is super crowded but SendX truly stands out with its pricing and its continued focus on improving delivery. Be it bulk email or just pure play email automation, SendX has worked well for us. + Their pricing hits the sweet spot.

Mary Thomas P.Marketing Communications Coordinator


Even for a startup company, SendX's price is budget-friendly. SendX was by far the best option for my team to use for both lead generation and increase in subscribers. The drag-and-drop editor and list segmenting features were much better than some of the competitors I have used with other teams in the past.

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