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Email Deliverability Stats

Our stats help you answer email inboxing & deliverability questions - what is broken, why it is broken, who is responsible and how to fix it. We show detailed deliverability stats for sub-accounts, IPs, SMTP errors, email ISPs and groups.

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Track, Measure & Monitor

Get detailed stats about all aspects of email inboxing and deliverability at account, sub-account and IP level. Our smart analytics UI makes it super easy to decode the data.

Remove BlindSpots - SMTP & ISP Stats

We breakdown and show SMTP & Email ISP stats for both sub-accounts and IPs. This helps you understand whether a specific blacklist or SMTP error is responsible for your deliverability woes? Likewise the ISP stats help you understand if your emails from a specific domain or IP are being rejected by a specific ISP?

Unmask Bad Senders & IP Issues

If you are an ESP then this is especially relevant. We show all big senders with most deliverability issues on every IP to help you identify bad actors. Likewise we show in aggregate the most common errors from specific IP to unmask a specific IP related error.

Leverage Trends & Patterns: Group Stats

You can classify your emails into custom groups - say promotional or transactional. The groups can be a campaign name, email type or anything else which may be relevant for your business. Looking at groups stats can uncover interesting trends & insights.

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Email Stats to Act

Our deliverability stats help you uncover what email related issues you may be having, why are you having them, who is responsible and how to fix them. Deliverability stats which help you fix the problem rather than being a row in your excel sheet.
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Everything you need

All-in-one platform

Simple email sending & validation API, powerful analytics, smart alerting system and power deliverability optimisation tools make SendPost standout as the most forward thinking email API service.

Email API & SMTP Relay
We have API SDKs present in over 14+ programming languages - Java, PHP, NodeJS, Ruby, Python etc. You can also connect us in old fashioned way using SMTP relay. Email API Feature Arrow
Sub-Accounts & Groups
Segregate your email sending for products, customers or email types using Sub-Accounts. Get detailed analytics for specific email types using groups. Email API Feature Arrow
Sub-Account & IP Stats
Know your deliverability, bounce, open and click rate at both sub-account and IP level. We show stats for aggregated SMTP errors and your inboxing on major ISPs - gmail, yahoo, outlook, aol etc. Email API Feature Arrow
Event Logging
Debug any deliverability issue based on a sub-account or IP by SMTP code, description, recipient, sender and more. 90 day log retention and super fast search. Email API Feature Arrow
Dedicated & Shared IPs
If you are getting started you can use our shared IP pools for email sending. For big senders, manage your own dedicated and shared IP pools. Email API Feature Arrow
Validation API
Clean your list by removing hard bounce, spam traps, invalid emails, email typos, honey pot email addresses and more. Email API Feature Arrow
Alerts & Notification
Setup automated alerts and notification through slack & email when specific sub-account or IP deliverability suffers or your hard bounce has increased. Email API Feature Arrow
Rate limiting, Throttling & Routing
For power users, you can control speed of email sending and throttling at an IP. You can also route emails from an IP Pool based on specific rules. Email API Feature Arrow
Get automatically notified on various email events. Process this data or integrate with your own application. Email API Feature Arrow
Deliverability CRM
Automated incident creation when your domain gets blacklisted, deliverability decreases or bounce percentage changes. Email API Feature Arrow

Trusted by developers, businesses and ESPs

Companies of all sizes are using SendPost to reliably deliver emails.
413+ Million Emails Sent
24/7 Support
99.23% Average Deliverability
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