Sending over 413+ million emails per month
Track, Measure & Monitor
Get detailed stats about all aspects of email inboxing and deliverability at account, sub-account and IP level. Our smart analytics UI makes it super easy to decode the data.
Remove BlindSpots - SMTP & ISP Stats
We breakdown and show SMTP & Email ISP stats for both sub-accounts and IPs. This helps you understand whether a specific blacklist or SMTP error is responsible for your deliverability woes? Likewise the ISP stats help you understand if your emails from a specific domain or IP are being rejected by a specific ISP?
Unmask Bad Senders & IP Issues
If you are an ESP then this is especially relevant. We show all big senders with most deliverability issues on every IP to help you identify bad actors. Likewise we show in aggregate the most common errors from specific IP to unmask a specific IP related error.
Leverage Trends & Patterns: Group Stats
You can classify your emails into custom groups - say promotional or transactional. The groups can be a campaign name, email type or anything else which may be relevant for your business. Looking at groups stats can uncover interesting trends & insights.
Everything you need
All-in-one platform
Simple email sending & validation API, powerful analytics, smart alerting system and power deliverability optimisation tools make SendPost standout as the most forward thinking email API service.