Shared & Dedicated IP Pools
Manage multiple IP Pools - dedicated & shared. If you are just getting started, you can start sending emails over SendPost shared IPPools. If you are a big volume sender - you can have multiple dedicated IPs with us. If you are an ESP you can manage your own shared IP Pools as well as dedicated IPs for your big senders.
Sending over 413+ million emails per month
Quick Start with Shared IPPools
You can get up and running with SendPost in less than 5 mins by using SendPost Shared IPPools. You dont have to worry about getting dedicated IP or a tideous IP warmup or domain authentication. Easy peesy.
Consistent Deliverability with Dedicated IP
If you are a big volume sender, an e-commerce company or an ESP, you can have your own dedicated IP setup. Dedicated IPs give you better control over email inboxing. Having multiple IPs ensure that in case of any email issue your business does not get impacted at all.
Intelligent Email Routing
You can route your emails on as many IPs as you want 5 or 500 using our intelligent email routing. You can do a plain old round robin or volume based email routing over your IP sending infrastructure with ease.
Auto IP Warmup
We save weeks of effort by doing new IP warmup for you. A part of your email traffic go over your fresh new IPs and any overage goes over our shared IPs. You can either let our auto IP warmup control the limit or override it on your own.
Everything you need
All-in-one platform
Simple email sending & validation API, powerful analytics, smart alerting system and power deliverability optimisation tools make SendPost standout as the most forward thinking email API service.