This article describe where to find theSettings Page.You can findSettings, by clicking on your "user name" on the right top corner of your screen.
You will get many options insideSettings Page,throughwhich you can customise you Account.
Site Setupis one of the option provided by the Settings Page. Here, you can edit yourTeam IdandAPI Key. You also getSite Codewhich lets you track customer behaviour on your website and market to them more effectively.
Then comes theAccount Details.You can go this link for more details.
Under thePreferences,you get option of changing yourDefault Email EditorfromDragand Dropto Plain text Editor, you also get option of changingNewsletter ArchivefromShowtoHide.
Then comes theIntegrations, here you can addNew IntegrationsorEditan existing one.
After the you get theTemplatesoption, where you can "make your own" Template or "edit a existing one" and also you can "delete" a template from here.
UnderSMTP Providers, you can connect to "Third Party" service provider using SendX.
UnderMembers and Teams, you can "add" as many team members or "delete" a member as per requirement.
ForBilling Details,you can go to the given link to for all the details related to invoice.